Does My Zip Line Trolley Need A Handle?
The right zip line trolley is essential for building a great zip line. Read this article to decide if you need a zip line handle to go with your trolley.
Deep Dive Into the Pros and Cons of Different Zip Line Braking Methods
Read about active and passive zip line brakes and the benefits and disadvantages of each type. Which of these zip line braking methods is right for you?
One Easy Trick to Double the Efficiency of Your Zip Line
A bad system for zip line trolley return could be cutting your profits in half. See how you can drastically increase the profitability of your facility.
Maximize The Potential of Your Existing Platforms & Structures
Get the most out of your zip line platforms and double down on the excitement and adventure with these amazing tips to get the most out of your structures.
9 Mistakes You’re Making on Your Zip Line (and What to do About Them!)
Are you making serious mistakes on your zip line during operation or installation? Download our white paper to see the 9 common mistakes and how to fix them.
Head Rush Tech Launches Gorilla Rope for zipSTOP Zip Line Brake
The Gorilla Rope is a high-strength nylon and polyethele rope designed specifically for zip line redirection and reduction lines for use with the zipSTOP Brake.